Welcome to MCell

Explore the world of Cellular Automata with Mirek's Cellebration

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This site is devoted to Cellular Automata, one of the most intriguing and significant branches of mathematics. Perhaps you have already heard about Conway's Game of Life, one of the oldest and best-explored Cellular Automata. Game of Life is only the tip of a large cellular iceberg.

I decided to explore a bit of this vast world. To do so, I developed my own Cellular Automata simulator, MCell. With the help of many people, we have collected a large library of Cellular Automata families, rules, and patterns. You can see much of my collection on these pages. These pages show only the static side of Cellular Automata. Cellular Automata are, in fact, very dynamic. I encourage you to try MCell app to see the patterns running and developing!